Sustainability award for large-scale research project SolPol

SolPol, worlds largest research initiative concerning polymer material innovations in the field of solar technologies, has been rewarded with the sustainability award 2018.

The first prize in the category „Regional cooperations - University across“ has been presented by the governmental department of science and the governmental department of sustainability in Vienna on 7th June.

Ten scientific partners (Kunstuniversität Linz, Universität Innsbruck, AEE – Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien, WIFO et al.) and nineteen companies (Borealis, Greiner, AGRU Kunststofftechnik, GREENoneTEC Solarindustrie, Sunlumo Technology et al.) are cooperating in the SolPol research plattform since 2010. They all bank on the potential that lies in the cross-linking of solar and polymer technologies – Two industry sectors in which Austria traditionally shines with competence. The project with a budget of 14 Mio. Euro is funded by Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG).

The goals are ambitious: Functionality, durability and weight of solar components are expected to be improved by polymer materials which are used in solar thermal and photovoltaic applications. At the same time, it is aimed for reduction of costs and global implementation oft the products.